Who we are

Gumdale Horse and Pony Club is centrally located in inner Brisbane, being one of the last remaining inner-city pony clubs in the suburbs. The grounds are 12 kilometres from the Brisbane CBD, in the leafy suburb of Carindale. We operate under the banner of the Pony Club Association of Queensland, and PCAQ Metropolitan Zone 1.
Being an inner-city club, we have the opportunity to cater for families who are new to looking after horses or new to equestrian sports. They tend to be families in which the parents did not ride when they were growing up, or who have been away from horses for some time. We consider this one of our key strengths: offering support and community to riders and their families that are new to the lifestyle of owning a horse. A testament to our success is that most families stay with the club for many years, build a strong sense of friendship and community, and stay with horses for life.
As with most pony clubs, we mainly cater for members who own their own horses. Those that join up as riding members are covered by our insurance for the riding activities they undertake on any pony club grounds (including other clubs). However, we do not offer riding lessons to members of the public, or to non-members of a pony club. We do offer social membership to families of riders, and to interested people who wish to be involved without owning their own horse.
What we do
The focus in all of our club activities is to build the skills, confidence, sportsmanship and horsemanship of our riders, whilst having fun and enjoying being with friends - both human and equine. As a result, we can provide a tight-knit community environment that is overwhelmingly positive and supportive. Our activities include:
Monthly rally days (musters) where riders receive coaching in dressage, jumping, sporting and other equestrian disciplines
Regular competition days at our own grounds (2-3 times per year), with attendance by riders from other clubs
Attendance of our riders at other clubs’ competitions (every weekend of the season)
Clinics and camps with riding instruction
Social activities such as bonfires, barbeques and treasure hunts for the kids.
Monthly committee meetings
Participation in PCAQ Zone and State events and meetings

How we run

Although the club operates under banner of the PCAQ and Metropolitan Zone 1, we are an independent, incorporated, not-for-profit institution with our own constitution. Each year at the Annual General Meeting, the club membership elects an Executive Committee to manage and oversee the running of the club and report back to the membership. This committee is comprised of the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. In addition to the Executive holding meetings as necessary, a general meeting of the club is held monthly on the fourth Sunday, at 2pm. General meetings are an opportunity for the club to get together to make decisions, hold votes on important issues, and plan for future activities.
Gumdale HPC runs under its own constitution, and with specific by-laws which its membership revisits and amends as necessary, on a yearly basis at AGMs. Copies of these documents are available from our secretary, on request.
The club also offers an agistment facility with limited places available to current and contributing members. Because of the location of the club, demand for agistment is high and it is therefore subject to a waiting list, administered at the discretion of the Executive Committee. All agistment matters are handled by the Executive Committee, and are subject to a formal agistment agreement between the Executive on behalf of the club and the Agistee. Enquiries about agistment can be made to the Secretary.